All Classes and Interfaces

Interface to a ActionBar, see
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and fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.actionbar.
The ActionBarVersion class is only called once, while the plugin is loading, see Main.onEnable().
The AudioUtil class serves as an utility class in order to perform audio actions to Player.
The AudioUtilVersion is only called once, while the plugin is loading, see Main.onEnable().
The Cache class has a single constructor.
The Configuration class allow a direct bridge between plugin configuration and the game itself, it mainly contains getter methods for messages, and some plugin parameters and other usefull tools between plugin folder and running application.
The ConfigurationUpdater is a tool-class allowing to check for existing YAML section ConfigurationUpdater.isOutdated(String), then mainly rests on the YamlConfigurationManager in order to add/remove configuration content.
The Content class is used in Screen, represents a content that can be etheir image or video.
The ContentType enum, manage the content type in a Content object.
The FacingLocation class serves as an utility class in order to perform actions related to an LivingEntity.getEyeLocation().
The Ffmpeg class, is used in order to use the ffmpeg library while the plugin is running, and this on all operating system, see System and SystemType.
The Ffprobe class, is used in order to use the ffprobe library while the plugin is running, and this on all operating system, see System and SystemType.
The Format class serves as an utility class.
The GIFUtil class serves as an utility class in order to perform video processing on them, see TaskAsyncLoadVideo.
A Group consits on a list of players uuid, that group can be registered with the following add method of Main.getGroups(), groups aren't registered after been created, you need to do it manually.
The Host class is used in
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in order to know the server country related to the server-ip throught a online-api, in order to get the adequate plugin translation.
The Image class is mainly used in the Image part of the ressource, but has few usefull usages when crossing to the Video part.
The ImageCommands class implements CommandExecutor, it grants an easy in game access to the plugin features concerning images.
The ImageHelper class is an utility class for both
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and ImageCommands and other classes related with URL usage, it contains a few static methods that can be called from everywhere as utilities.
The ImageRenderer class extends MapRenderer, it isn't only used in the image part, its a key in video video loading TaskAsyncLoadVideo and real time rendering, it bridge the gap between images and Minecraft.
The ImageRenderer class extends MapRenderer, it isn't only used in the image part, its a key in video video loading TaskAsyncLoadVideo and real time rendering, it bridge the gap between images and Minecraft.
The ImageUtil class serves as an utility class in order to perform actions into images.
The Interfaces class is a contener, storing thtought methods the differents Inventory, used across the plugin, such as
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for example.
The InventoryClickContents class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method InventoryClickContents.onClick(InventoryClickEvent).
The InventoryClickPanel class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method InventoryClickPanel.onClick(InventoryClickEvent).
The InventoryClickScreens class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method InventoryClickScreens.onClick(InventoryClickEvent).
The InventoryClickVideos class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method InventoryClickVideos.onClick(InventoryClickEvent).
The InventoryClosePanel class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method InventoryClosePanel.onClose(InventoryCloseEvent).
The ItemStacks class is a contener, same as Interfaces but for ItemStack.
Represents the MediaPlayer main class of the MediaPlayer plugin, it mainly store informations used accross the plugin.
Interface to a MapUtil, see MapUtilVersion and
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The MapUtilVersion is only called once, while the plugin is loading, see Main.onEnable().
The MediaPlayerAPI class, is used as a pass-throught to use the plugin and its functionalities, as it is build in api style.
The MediaPlayerCommands class implements CommandExecutor, it grants informations about the running plugin.
The Notification class is about a notification system, have one constructor and a single method
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#send(Group, String[])
, can be used across the plugin to send notifications.
The NotificationType enum, manage what messages can be send according to field.
The Part class is essential for the screen structure, it consists in regrouping ItemFrame and Block into a single object for simplicity.
The PlayerBreakScreen class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method PlayerBreakScreen.onBreak(BlockBreakEvent).
The PlayerDamageScreen class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method PlayerDamageScreen.onDamage(HangingBreakEvent).
The PlayerInteractImage class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method PlayerInteractImage.interactImage(PlayerInteractEntityEvent).
The PlayerInteractScreen class implements Listener, it consist of a two event methods PlayerInteractScreen.onInteract(PlayerInteractEntityEvent), and PlayerInteractScreen.onInteractAtScreen(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent).
Represents an event that is called when a player interacts with an screen, this event isn't cancellable.
The PlayerInteractVideo class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method PlayerInteractVideo.interactVideo(PlayerInteractEntityEvent).
The PlayerJoinUpdate class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method PlayerJoinUpdate.onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent).
The RandomToken class is used in
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in order to obtain a random key for the free authentification server, its an utility class, see RandomToken.random(int).
The Reader class is used in
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in order to read and get video sequences from online-stream, this method is only used one, then Ffmpeg take over the situtation, its only compatible with Twitch livestreams currently.
The ResourcePack class is only called once, while a video is loading, and within the audio is enabled, see Video.hasAudio()
The ResourcePackStatus class implements Listener, it consist of a single event method ResourcePackStatus.onResourcepackStatusEvent(PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent).
The Screen class is essential in the good functioning of things, its used across the plugin as a support for various content, it constitue a support part.
The ScreenCommands class implements CommandExecutor, it grants an easy access to the plugin features concerning screens.
The ScreenSettings class is used in
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in order to propose adequate settings to a screen accord to a Video.
The SoundPlayer class can be described as an utility class, it provide throught static method SoundPlayer.playSound(Player, SoundType) a way to direct play sound effect to players, and stops an actual played sound
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The SoundType enum, contains all sounds type that can be played from the SoundPlayer, see SoundPlayer.playSound(Player, SoundType).
The Source class is used to display custom sources on screen, this could be very useful making an other plugin that would displaying something else from a regular video files, such for instance a WebBrowser.
The Stream class, is used to represent a streamed video, and update it, it only has one constructor and method, see Stream.update().
The System class, is an utility class, as it only contains one method, see System.getSystemType()
The NotificationType enum, is used in System system for System.getSystemType(), has only one method, see SystemType.toString().
The TaskAsyncLoadConfigurations class extends BukkitRunnable have no special constructors, have an method, see
The TaskAsyncLoadImages class extends BukkitRunnable have no special constructors, have an method, see
The TaskAsyncLoadVideo class extends BukkitRunnable has a single constructor and method, see
The TaskSyncLoadScreens class extends BukkitRunnable have no special constructors, have an method, see
The Thumbnail class is used to manage videos thumbnail, this used during video loading, see
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, the class has only one constructor and a few methods.
The Translater class is used in Main in order to extract plugin langage translations.
The Updater class, is uses to check for update and update the plugin in the main class, seen Main.onEnable().
The v1_10_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_10_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_11_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_11_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_12_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_12_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_13_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_13_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_13_R2 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_13_R2 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_14_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_14_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_15_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_15_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_16_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_16_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_16_R2 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_16_R2 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_16_R3 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_16_R3 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_17_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_17_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_18_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_18_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_18_R2 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_18_R2 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_19_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_19_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_19_R2 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_19_R2 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_19_R3 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_19_R3 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_20_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_20_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_20_R2 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_20_R2 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_20_R3 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_20_R3 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_20_R4 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_20_R4 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_21_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_21_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_17_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_7_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_17_R2 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_7_R2 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_17_R3 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_7_R3 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_17_R4 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_7_R4 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_8_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_8_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_8_R2 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_8_R2 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_8_R3 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_8_R3 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_9_R1 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_9_R1 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The v1_9_R2 class implements ActionBar, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see ActionBarVersion.getActionBar().
The v1_9_R2 class implements MapUtil, it can only be defined once if the server is running under this version, see MapUtilVersion.
The Video class is essential in the good functioning of things, its used everywhere across the plugin, it constitue a core part.
The VideoCommands class implements CommandExecutor, it grants an easy in game access to the plugin features concerning videos.
The VideoData class is an essential part for completing Video and the video feature, it is managing all content that is related to Minecraft.
The VideoInstance class is used in Screen in order to represent a video that is runned.
The YamlConfigurationManager class serves as an utility class in order to perform actions on YAML configurations, see for example ConfigurationUpdater.update(String, Object).