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generate() - Method in class
get(byte, byte, byte) - Method in class
get(int) - Method in class
get(int, int, int) - Method in class
getActionBar() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.actionbar.ActionBarVersion
Gets ActionBar variable according to the running server version.
getActionBar() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets ActionBar variable initialized on load according to the server version.
getAudioChannels() - Method in class
Gets amount of audio channel of the video.
getAudioFiles() - Method in class
Gets an List of the audio files contained in the audio folder, see Video.getAudioFolder().
getAudioFolder() - Method in class
Gets the folder containing all audio files.
getAudioOffset() - Method in class
Gets audio-offset of the video in seconds.
getAudioUtil() - Method in class
Gets AudioUtil variable according to the running server version.
getAudioUtil() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets AudioUtil variable initialized on load according to the server version.
getBlock() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.part.Part
Gets the part Block.
getBlocks() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets screen blocks, as list of Block.
getBlockType() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the block-type used to build the screen by a non-hand way if it hasn't been changed it would be the same as Configuration.screen_block() material name.
getBufferedImage() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.ImageRenderer
Gets the original image passed earlier in the constructor.
getBufferedImage() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Gets the original image passed earlier in the constructor.
getBufferedImage() - Method in class
Gets the thumbnail as a BufferedImage variable.
getBufferedImages() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.ImageRenderer
Gets all the splitted images of the original one.
getBufferedImages() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Gets all the splitted images of the original one.
getCache() - Method in class
Reads a cached byte array according to cache File passed earlier in the constructor.
getCacheFolder() - Method in class
Gets the folder containing the maps cache.
getCardinalDirection(LivingEntity) - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.FacingLocation
Gets an LivingEntity facing direction according to his Entity.getLocation() Yaw value.
getColor(byte) - Method in class
getColor(int) - Method in class
getColorCount() - Method in class
getCompatibleFormats() - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.Format
The Format class can serves as an utility class.
getCompatibleStreamsFormats() - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.Format
The Format class can serves as an utility class.
getConfigFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.Configuration
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the configuration-file.
getConfigFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the image configuration-file, wich grant access to the configuration data.
getConfigFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the content configuration-file, wich grant access to the configuration data.
getConfigFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.part.Part
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the part configuration-file, wich grant access to the configuration data.
getConfigFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the screen configuration-file, wich grant access to the configuration data.
getConfigFile() - Method in class
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the Thumbnail configuration-file, wich grant access to the configuration data.
getConfigFile() - Method in class
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the video instance configuration-file, wich grant access to the configuration data.
getConfigFile() - Method in class
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the video configuration-file, wich grant access to the configuration data.
getContent() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the Content that is actually played.
getContents() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets screen contents, as list of Content.
getContents(Screen, int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.interfaces.Interfaces
Gets an Inventory containing all specific registered screen contents on a ItemStack aspect.
getContentsFolder() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the folder containing all registered screen content.
getContentsPages() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all players uuid and their current page index of contents section.
getContentsPanels() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all players uuid that are actually in an screen contents panel inventory
invalid @link
Interfaces#getContents(Screen, Integer)
getCountryCode() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.Host
Gets the server country-code.
getCreation() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets creation date of the screen as a single String using the following european* schema : dd-mm-yyyyy hh:mm:ss.
getCreation() - Method in class
Gets creation date of the video as a single String using the following european* schema : dd-mm-yyyyy hh:mm:ss.
getCursorX() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.api.listeners.PlayerInteractScreenEvent
Gets the cursor X according to the screen and content inside it size.
getCursorY() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.api.listeners.PlayerInteractScreenEvent
Gets the cursor Y according to the screen and content inside it size.
getDataFolder() - Method in class
Gets the folder containing all related Minecraft data about the video.
getDescription() - Method in class
Gets the video description with the alternate color codes.
getDuplicated() - Method in class
Gets an ArrayList containing duplicated frames.
getDuration() - Method in class
Gets the video duration in hours.
getFacingLocation() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen facing direction.
getFfmpeg() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets access to the ffmpeg library.
getFfprobe() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets access to the ffprobe library.
getFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.updater.ConfigurationUpdater
Gets the configuration file passed by the constructor ConfigurationUpdater(File).
getFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gets the image configuration-file passed earlier by the constructors.
getFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets the content configuration-file accoding to the values passed earlier in the constructors.
getFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.part.Part
Gets the part configuration-file accoding to the values passed earlier in the constructors.
getFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen configuration-file accoding to the values passed earlier in the constructors.
getFile() - Method in class
Gets the cache-file according to cache File passed earlier in the constructor.
getFile() - Method in class
Gets the thumbnail configuration-file accoding to the values passed earlier in the constructors.
getFile() - Method in class
Gets the video instance configuration-file accoding to the values passed earlier in the constructors.
getFile() - Method in class
Gets the video configuration-file accoding to the values passed earlier in the constructors.
getFileLength() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.ffmpeg.Ffmpeg
Gets the ffmpeg library file lenght according to used operating system.
getFileLength() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.ffmpeg.Ffprobe
Gets the ffprobe library file lenght according to used operating system.
getFormat() - Method in class
Gets the video format as a String without the dot after the name.
getFramerate() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.source.Source
Gets the source frame-rate.
getFrameRate() - Method in class
Gets the video number of frames per second.
getFrames() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets screen frames, as list of ItemFrame.
getFramesExtension() - Method in class
Gets the video frames extension.
getFramesFolder() - Method in class
Gets the folder containing all video frames.
getGrayScale(int) - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.ImageUtil
getGroup(UUID) - Static method in class
Gets a player Group according to the registered Groups Main.getGroups() and their UUID, it loop in all registered group until finding a Group that contains the player uuid.
getGroups() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all registered groups of players.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.api.listeners.PlayerInteractScreenEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.api.listeners.PlayerInteractScreenEvent
getHeight() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gets the Minecraft image height.
getHeight() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen height.
getHeight() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.source.Source
Gets the source height.
getHeight() - Method in class
Gets the video height.
getHighestFrame() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen spatial highest ItemFrame, origin is the first frame to be placed.
getIcon() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets an ItemStack corresponding to a content-icon in a interface Inventory, return an Material.PAINTING if the content is an image, or a Material.ITEM_FRAME if the content is a video.
getId() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.part.Part
Gets the speicific part-id.
getId() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen-id, between all other screens, this could be the same as Main.getRegisteredScreens() index of this screen.
getIds() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gets an list of Integer corresponding to the ids wich were used to render the image in Minecraft.
getIds() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.ImageRenderer
Gets an ArrayList of Integer corresponding to the ids wich were used to render the image in Minecraft.
getIds() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.renderer.ImageRenderer
Gets an ArrayList of Integer corresponding to the ids wich were used to render the image in Minecraft.
getIds() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets an list of Integer corresponding to the ids wich were used to render the thumbnail in Minecraft.
getIds() - Method in class
Gets the Minecraft map-ids of the thumbnail, used for creating the thumbnail.
getImage() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets the Image related to the content instance.
getImage(String) - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.helpers.ImageHelper
Gets an image of a given String path leading to image file.
getIndex() - Method in class
Gets the video index registered has.
getInstances() - Method in class
getInstancesFolder() - Method in class
Gets the folder containing all video instances.
getItemFrame() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.part.Part
Gets the part ItemFrame itselft.
getItemFrameLocation() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.part.Part
Gets the part ItemFrame Location.
getKeyFrame() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets the
invalid @link
index of the key-frame, consider it has the screen origin for displaying.
getLastFrame() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the last-frame index of the last played video.
getLibraryFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.ffmpeg.Ffmpeg
Gets the ffmpeg library file according to used operating system.
getLibraryFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.ffmpeg.Ffprobe
Gets the ffprobe library file according to used operating system.
getLoadingVideos() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all loading videos names.
getLocation() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen location based on ItemFrame location, the first frame, or key-frame to be placed.
getLowestFrame() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen spatial lowest ItemFrame, origin is the first frame to be placed.
getMap(int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.items.ItemStacks
Gets a Minecraft map ItemStack according to an Integer id and the server running version.
getMapColorSpaceData() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets MapColorSpaceData for
invalid @link
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in class
getMapId(MapView) - Method in interface fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.MapUtil
Gets an map-id according to a MapView.
getMaps() - Method in class
Gets the video main thumbnail, corresponding to the dedicated video maps.
getMapsFolder() - Method in class
Gets the folder containing the dedicated maps for the video main thumbnail.
getMapUtil() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets MapUtil variable initialized on load according to the server version.
getMapUtil() - Method in class
Gets MapUtil variable according to the running server version.
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in class
getMapView(int) - Method in interface fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.MapUtil
Gets a MapView according to the server running version.
getMessage(String) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.Configuration
Translate alternate color codes such as Ampersand into Minecraft colors.
getMessage(String, String) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.Configuration
Translate alternate color codes such as Ampersand into Minecraft colors, and replace requested holder by real value.
getMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.Configuration
Translate alternate color codes such as Ampersand into Minecraft colors, and replace all requested holders by real values.
getMessagesFile() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.Configuration
Gets an FileConfiguration instance of the messages-file.
getMinecraftHeight() - Method in class
Gets the Minecraft video height in blocks-count.
getMinecraftWidth() - Method in class
Gets the Minecraft video width in blocks-count.
getName() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gets the image name without extension from the image configuration.
getName() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen name, each screen can have a name, even the same one.
getName() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.source.Source
Gets the source name passed earlier in the constructor.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the video name without extension.
getNearbyEntities(Location, int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.listeners.PlayerInteractImage
Gets the entities that are located in a specified radius from a Location.
getNearbyEntities(Location, int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.listeners.PlayerInteractScreen
Gets the entities that are located in a specified radius from a Location.
getNearbyEntities(Location, int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.part.Part
Gets the entities that are located in a specified radius from a Location.
getNearbyEntities(Location, int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the entities that are located in a specified radius from a Location.
getNearbyEntities(Location, int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.tasks.TaskSyncLoadScreens
Gets the entities that are located in a specified radius from a Location.
getNearbyEntities(Location, int) - Method in class
Gets the entities ItemFrame that are located in a specified radius from a Location.
getObjectString(String) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.Host
getOfficials() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.Host
Gets the plugin supported translations.
getOnlinePlayers() - Method in class
Gets an ArrayList of actually online Player contained in the Group.
getParts() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets screen parts, as list of Part.
getPartsFolder() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the folder containing all screen parts.
getPath() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gets the original image file path, it can be an online redirection.
getPath() - Method in class
Gets the thumbnail-file path.
getPlayedStreams() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets actually played livestreams videos.
getPlayer() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.api.listeners.PlayerInteractScreenEvent
Gets the Player that touched the screen.
getPlayers() - Method in class
Gets an ArrayList of players UUID contained in the Group.
getPlayersScreens() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets players affiliated with screen instances, this is use for audio loading.
getPlayingVideos() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all playing videos names.
getPlugin() - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.api.MediaPlayerAPI
Gets MediaPlayers main class, which grant access to all information about the plugin.
getProcess() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets process such as ffmpeg and ffprobe tasks.
getRandomNumber(int, int) - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.server.Server
getRealTimeRendering() - Method in class
Gets whether the video should be rendered in realtime or use a Cache system.
getRegisteredScreens() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all detected and registered screens after running an
invalid @link
, or one time screen creation.
getRegisteredVideos() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all detected and registered videos after running an TaskAsyncLoadConfigurations.
getResemblance(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.ImageUtil
Gets for two image their ressemblance in percentage.
getResourcePackFormat() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.resourcepack.ResourcePack
Gets the resource pack-format according to the server running version.
getResourcePacksFolder() - Method in class
Gets the folder containing the audio ressource packs.
getRG(int) - Method in class
getRG(int, byte[]) - Method in class
getRunOnStartup() - Method in class
Gets whether a video should be launched on the plugin statup.
getScreen() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.api.listeners.PlayerInteractScreenEvent
Gets the Screen that has been touched.
getScreen() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets the Screen where the content is being registered on.
getScreen() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.part.Part
Gets the Screen that the part is belonging to.
getScreen() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets screen instance itself, used for sub-class tasks.
getScreen() - Method in class
Gets the video instance attached screen.
getScreen() - Method in class
getScreenPanel(Screen) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.interfaces.Interfaces
Gets an Inventory containing screens tools, see ItemStacks.
getScreenPanels() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all players uuid that are actually in an screen panel inventory Interfaces.getScreenPanel(Screen).
getScreens(int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.interfaces.Interfaces
Gets an Inventory containing all Main.getRegisteredScreens() on a ItemStack aspect.
getScreensBlocks() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets blocks belonging to screens structure.
getScreensFolder() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.Configuration
Gets the screens folder, which containing all relative informations and data about all the screens.
getScreensFrames() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets ItemFrame belonging to screens structure.
getScreensPages() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all players uuid and their current page index of screens section.
getSelectedVideos() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all players uuid that have an video instance.
getSequences() - Method in class
Gets the video sequences links to file.
getServerVersion() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets the version that the server is running on.
getSettings() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets ScreenSettings of the played video to the screen.
getShowFPS() - Method in class
Gets whether the sent informations would contains the amount of frame per second.
getShowInformations() - Method in class
Gets whether the video informations will be sent to viewers.
getSize() - Method in class
Gets the video length in megabyte as a String.
getSkipDuplicatedFrames() - Method in class
Gets whether the video skipping frames would be only duplicated ones.
getSource() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets the source File of the content.
getSource() - Method in class
Gets the video source passed earlier in the constructors.
getSpeed() - Method in class
Gets the write speed of the device, about how many bytes are wrote within a second, for a Video configuration-file for instance.
getStatus() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets actual time-left of the played video, as a String.
getStatus() - Method in class
Gets a String status short message on whether a video is loaded.
getStreamsURL() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets lives links of registered streamed video after being generated.
getStreamURL() - Method in class
Gets the streamed video original link.
getSystemType() - Static method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.system.System
Gets the operating system type, between the supported ones.
getTasks() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets the plugin running tasks, identified by their ids.
getThumbnail() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen thumbnail-file, this file could be changed.
getThumbnail() - Method in class
Gets the video main thumbnail file.
getThumbnailPath() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen thumbnail-file path, path of Screen.getThumbnail().
getTimeLeft(int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets actual time-left of the played video, as a String.
getTotalFrames() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.source.Source
Gets the total source frames count, the amount is passed earlier in the constructor.
getTotalFrames() - Method in class
Gets the total number of frames contained in the video.
getTumbnail() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.source.Source
Gets the source thumbnail as a BufferedImage variable.
getType() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets the ContentType, whether its a video, or an image.
getUUID() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets the content unique-id.
getUUID() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen unique-id.
getUUID() - Method in class
Gets the video instance unique-id.
getVideo() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.content.Content
Gets the Video related to the content instance.
getVideo() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the last, or actually played Video of the screen.
getVideo() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.settings.ScreenSettings
Gets the the video that the settings are about.
getVideo() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.source.Source
Gets the source as a Video variable.
getVideo() - Method in class
Gets the video that the data is from, the video variable is passed earlier in the constructor.
getVideo() - Method in class
Gets the original video.
getVideoData() - Method in class
Gets a VideoData instance for the current video where its called from.
getVideoFile() - Method in class
Get the original video file.
getVideoInstance() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the VideoInstance of the Video that is played.
getVideoName() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the name of the last, or actually played Video, that has been played one the screen.
getVideoPanel(Video) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.interfaces.Interfaces
Gets an Inventory containing videos tools, see ItemStacks.
getVideoPanels() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all players uuid that are actually in an video panel inventory Interfaces.getVideoPanel(Video).
getVideoPlayers() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all players uuid that are actually playing videos and their video players.
getVideos(int) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.interfaces.Interfaces
Gets an Inventory containing all Main.getRegisteredVideos() on a ItemStack aspect.
getVideosFolder() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.Configuration
Gets the videos folder, which containing all relative informations and data about all the videos.
getVideosPages() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.Main
Gets all players uuid and their current page index of videos section.
getViews() - Method in class
Gets the total number of times the video has been viewed.
getVolume() - Method in class
Gets the video audio intensity.
getWidth() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gets the Minecraft image width.
getWidth() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.screen.Screen
Gets the screen width.
getWidth() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.source.Source
Gets the source width.
getWidth() - Method in class
Gets the video width.
getWorld() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gets the World that an image is rendered in.
getWorld() - Method in class
Gets the world where the map-ids where stored.
GIFUtil - Class in fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util
The GIFUtil class serves as an utility class in order to perform video processing on them, see TaskAsyncLoadVideo.
GIFUtil() - Constructor for class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.util.GIFUtil
give(Player) - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.image.Image
Gives an image-poster ItemStack to a Player.
glass() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.items.ItemStacks
Gets an ItemStack corresponding to a black-glass icon in a interface Inventory.
glowing_screen_frames_support() - Method in class fr.xxathyx.mediaplayer.configuration.Configuration
Group - Class in
A Group consits on a list of players uuid, that group can be registered with the following add method of Main.getGroups(), groups aren't registered after been created, you need to do it manually.
Group(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for Group class, creates a group of players based on a common String permission.
Group(ArrayList<UUID>) - Constructor for class
Annother constructor for Group class, this one creates a group of players based on an ArrayList of player's uuids to be parsed into a Group.
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